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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A poem by Isabel

Caution: this is not real (except for the greasy hair, because my mom says I don't shampoo well enough, and I don't actually think I'm that funny.)
Toe jam between my toes.
Hair of greasy
And eyelashes with mascara from a day ago.
I know this all sounds gross
Yet, I think it's pretty good
And don't even think about laughing
I can see you
I embrace the air
So don't laugh...I don't actually think I'm that funny!
YA GOT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for reading my poem by Isabel

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Origami Night!

Written by Isabel:

Tonight, I am going to my school again. I know, I sounds boring, but tonight Iwill do Origami with my teacher. And we get to try some food...YUM. Japanese food. Including it will be for hours.

The end.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Great Grape

Here is Isabel's latest culinary adventure:

Best tasting Grape Juice

1/2 cup of grape juice
1 splash of lime juice
2 squished up cocktail tomatoes

Stir it all up and drink. This will make your tummy feel better.